Demo Page Design

DailyPay is a fintech company that provides earned income software and payroll products that enable large employers to provide hourly workers with flexible access to their pay.

I collaborated with the Demand Generation team to design a new demo page in an effort to create a more compelling and streamlined experience for B2B prospects. To create more interest and engagement we added partner testimonial videos, prominent partner logos for social proof, and leadership videos. I also created multiple designs to test an an effort to determine ways we might be able to increase conversion. During this process, I uncovered a major pain point for the Demand Generation and Customer support teams that I worked to resolve.


Product Designer

Type of Work

Stakeholder Interviews, Wireframes, High-Fidelity Designs


4 weeks


Demand Generation Team, Customer Support Manager, Website Manager, In-House Engineer

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Getting to the Core Issues

To gain insights into possible issues that were causing customers to submit support tickets on the demo page, I evaluated the site for additional customer support channels and spoke with a Customer Support Lead. Below are the main reasons I asserted were causing these issues.

No Feedback on Support Form

There was no feedback on expected response time before or after submmiting a customer support issue.

Customer Support Backlog

Hiring was ramping up on the Support Team, but the support ticket backlog grew and response times increased.

Exclusion From the Navigation

Employees were not included in the top-level navigation, so it was unclear where to learn more or get customer support.

Short-Term Solutions

To prevent support requests from being mixed with demo requests, radio buttons were added, which only encouraged more support requests.

Key Outcomes

What We Changed

Evaluating the site and speaking with internal stakeholders enabled us to improve the demo page and better serve both our B2B and B2C customers. We streamlined the demo form by removing the radio buttons, added a Login link for employees below the demo request form, so they could submit customer support issue through an appropriate channel if they landed on that page, and added “Employees” and related sub-categories to the top-level navigation, so both existing and prospective employees could more easily find answers to their questions and customer support channels.

Understanding How We Got There

One of my main goals in speaking with multiple stakeholders was to better understand what led to the specific solutions that were implemented on the demo page. Auditing the current experience and reviewing the site for potential pain points is important, but it won't explain why team members made the decision they did. Working together allowed me to better understand the underlying issues and focus on finding a solution to serve all parties.